Mengapa? Karena disaat kita berteman dengannya, berkumpul dengan yang mempunyai visi dan misi sama dengan kita, maka insyaallah kebaikan demi kebaikan akan Allah limpahkan kepada kita.
Iman Kita Itu Ibarat Air Laut, Pasti Mengalami Pasang Surut. Dan Teman yang Baik Sangat Dibutuhkan Untuk Mengingatkan
Kita harus tahu, bahwasannya iman kita itu ibarat air laut, dimana setiap saatnya pasti mengalami pasang surut. Dan sosok teman yang baik itu sangat dibutuhkan untuk bisa mengingatkan.
Kadang kita merasa sangat ingin berdekat-dekatan dengan Allah, kita ingin buta kepada hal keduniaan, dan seakan-akan waktu yang kita miliki hanya ingin kita gunakan untuk bersujud kepada-Nya.
Tapi kadang sebaliknya, kita lalai akan perintah Allah, kita menyenangi sesuatu yang Allah benci. Sehingga jika tidak ada orang yang baik disamping kita, maka besar kemungkinan kita akan terjerumus pada kemaksiatan. Na’udzubillah
Teman yang Baik Dan Shlaehah Akan Mengingatkan Kita Pada Kebaikan
Maka carilah teman yang baik, teman yang shalehah, dan teman yang mempunyai visi dan misi yang sama dalam menjemput ridho Allah.
Karena teman yang baik dan shalehah itu insyaallah akan senantiasa mengingatkan kita pada hal-hal baik yang Allah ridhoi.
Dari Mereka Kita Bisa Belajar Banyak Hal, Diantaranya Ilmu Semakin Memantaskan Diri
Dari mereka kita bisa juga belajar banyak hal, diantaranya ilmu agar diri kita semakin pantas dengan kebaikan.
Selain itu secara lambat laun kita akan memahami tujuan islam yang meganjurkan kita berkumpul dengan orang-orang shaleh, karena insyaallah darinya kita akan banyak belajar kebaikan.
Kita Akan Semakin Mencintai Allah Setelah Berhijrah, Ketika Kita Saling Shering Dan Menguatkan
Dan kita akan semakin mencintai Allah setelah berhijrah, ketika kita sering saling shering dan menguatkan satu sama lain dengan beragam kebaikan.
Misal, kita bertukar pengalaman hijrah, hingga akhirnya kita sadar bahwa menjadi peribadi yang lebih baik itu butuh sebuah keistiqamahan dan saling menguatkan dalam mengingat Allah..
Tentunya Keinginan Baik Kita Akan Istiqamah Dilakukan, Jika Setiap Saatnya Orang Disekitar Kita Adalah Dia yang Satu Misi Dengan Kita
Serta point pentingnya adalah kita akan senantiasa istiqamah menjadikan diri kita lebih baik, hingga ajal menjemput, jika setiap saatnya orang-orang yang ada disekitar kita adalah dia yang satu misi dengan kita.
Satu misi dalam menjemput ridho allah, satu misi dalam menjauhi larangan Allah, dan satu misi untuk selalu mendapatkan kasih sayang Allah disetiap saatnya
sumber : humairoh
Question: Are certain individuals more likely to develop illness from exposure to asbestos?
Answer: Yes. There is an increased risk of developing asbestos-related illness if a person worked in an industry requiring constant, prolonged exposure. These individuals include many factory and construction workers, as well as ship builders, miners, automotive brake mechanics, and anyone else who worked with insulation materials.
There is no level of harmless exposure to asbestos. Even small doses can cause illness that becomes manifest many years later. Yet, some who worked around asbestos never develop illness. While some scientists believe that certain individuals are genetically more able to withstand exposure, no one has been able to identify an asbestos-resistant gene.
Question: Asbestos has not been widely used since the 1970's. How can there be any current risk of asbestos exposure?
Answer: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that over 700,000 public buildings in this country still contain asbestos. This number includes approximately one in ten existing school buildings. Thus, the threat posed by asbestos exposure continues to haunt innocent citizens.
Question: My exposure to asbestos happened years ago. Have I run out of time to make a claim?
Answer: This is an important question. In asbestos cases, the Statute of Limitations, or time limit for making a legal claim, depends on the state in which you live. Your time to make a claim certainly starts to run, once a doctor diagnoses you with an illness. For that reason, talk with a Michigan asbestos lawyer about your rights immediately.
Question: I do not have mesothelioma, but I have been diagnosed with another form of cancer, and I was exposed to asbestos. Could the cancer be related to asbestos exposure?
Answer: Just as asbestos exposure increases the risk of lung cancer, there are also studies that link asbestos exposure to increased risk of other cancers, including cancer of the colon, kidney, larynx, pancreas, and esophagus. If you believe asbestos played a role in your illness, you should consult a doctor and contact a Michigan asbestos lawyer today.
Question: I know that the company where I used to work has declared bankruptcy, supposedly due to asbestos litigation. Should I even bother to pursue a claim?
Answer: Many law firms are fighting to challenge bankruptcies that corporations try to use as a shield against financial exposure to asbestos claims. You should talk to a Michigan asbestos lawyer by submitting a free, confidential consultation form today to determine the status of claims against the particular company that you believe is responsible for your illness.
Question: What is the difference between pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma?
Answer: Pleural mesothelioma occurs in the chest cavity and involves the lungs. It is the more common form of mesothelioma cancer. Its symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing, and perhaps rapid weight loss or persistent fever. Because these early problems may indicate other illnesses, a doctor may have difficulty making the initial diagnosis. If you are experiencing these symptoms and believe you may have been exposed to asbestos, you should notify your health care provider immediately.
Peritoneal mesothelioma develops in the abdominal cavity. This form of mesothelioma progresses more rapidly and is more deadly. However, early diagnosis and an individual's response to treatment are important factors in combating the disease. The symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include nausea, vomiting, and swelling of the lower extremities. Individual symptoms vary and may not all be present. If you are experiencing these problems and were exposed to asbestos in the past, you should see your family physician.
Question: Does mesothelioma always mean cancer?
Answer: In very rare circumstances, it is possible to have a benign (non-cancerous) form of mesothelioma, which is known as cystic mesothelioma of the peritoneum. But in most instances, mesothelioma is a malignant disease.
Question: Just because I worked with asbestos, does that really mean that I am at higher risk of mesothelioma and other illnesses?
Answer: Unfortunately, a report in the New England Journal of Medicine indicated that asbestos workers were 344 times more likely to die from mesothelioma than the average population. Other studies also show a clear connection between asbestos exposure and serious illness.
If you or a loved one suffer from asbestos related cancer or mesothelioma cancer, talk with an experienced Michigan asbestos lawyer today.
Attorney Marya Sieminski joined the Law Offices of Sam Bernstein in 2003. She is admitted to practice law in Michigan state courts and in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and graduated magna cum laude from Wayne State University Law School. Marya has worked as a trial lawyer for 10 years and exclusively represented victims in personal injury litigation and in workers compensation claims. She also was appointed by the Governor to serve on the State of Michigan Workers Compensation Qualifications Advisory Committee.
The Law Offices of Samuel I. Bernstein, our Michigan personal injury law firm, has championed the cause of the seriously injured for three generations.
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