Sedang bertugas dan di atas ketinggian bukan jadi halangan bagi Heksa Putrie untuk melaksanakan salat tarawih.
Pramugari cantik ini membagikan sebuah foto di mana dirinya sedang melaksanakan salat tarawih di pesawat, Kamis (17/5/2018).
Dari keterangan fotonya, Heksa sempat menghubungi sang ibunda dua hari lalu.
Dia memberi tahu sang ibu jika kemungkinan dia akan terlewat untuk mengerjakan salat tarawih pertama, Rabu (16/5/2018), karena dia sedang berdinas dan baru akan landing malam hari.
“Kenapa gak salat di pesawat aja? 'Kan bisa sambil duduk, terus ambil 11 rakaat aja,” kata ibunda Heksa, seperti yang tertulis di caption foto.
Pramugari berambut panjang ini kemudian menerima saran tersebut dan menyebutnya anti-mainstream, karena menurutnya salat tarawih 11 rakaat di pesawat cukup jarang ditemui.
Berikut caption lengkap sang pramugari itu
Kemarin malem 2 hari sebelum puasa Ramadhan, aku kan nelfon mamah.
Terus aku bilang :
“Yaaah ma, besok aku gak dapet shalat terawih pertama”
“Loh kenapa? Ko ga dapet?”
“Terbang maah, landingnya malem.”
“Kenapa gak shalat di pesawat aja? Kan bisa sambil duduk, terus ambil 11 rakaat aja.”
“Oh iya juga ya mah, biar anti mainstream gituuuu, Shalat terawaih di atas ketinggian 38.000 kaki” Hehe
Maka terjadilah foto ini
Ada yang pernah coba ??
Marhaban yaa Ramadhan,
Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa teman-teman.
Mohon maaf lahir dan batin apabila saya pernah melakukan ke khilafan baik di sengaja maupun tidak #maafbukanmagsudngumbar #cumancurhat #insyaAllahtidakbermagsudriya #hanyashareing
Postingan itu pun hingga kini sudah mendapat 45 ribu like dari netizen
Sejumlah komentar pun membajiri akun itu.
Ada yang bernada positif tak jarang juga yang sedikit kritik.
sumber :
It may seem as though your life or the life of your family and friends may be falling apart after the devastating diagnosis of mesothelioma. Although your outlook may be bleak, there are people who can and will help you and your loved ones. There are numerous attorneys who specialize in mesothelioma cases, and it is important to find the best fit for you and those you care about. Many factors are important in choosing an attorney to represent you in your fight for compensation.
The most important factor to look for is an attorney who has great experience in mesothelioma cases and vast knowledge of these lawsuits, as well as the disease. An experienced, specialized attorney knows what will be the best way to bring a lawsuit and what it takes to gain compensation from asbestos companies. Most of these lawyers work off of a contingency fee, which means that they only receive payment if you win monetary compensation. This saves you the stress of having to deal with legal fees during this difficult time.
It is also important to consider a lawyer's success rate with mesothelioma cases. Researching law firms will help you gauge your chances of winning compensation. Some law firms have previously drafted agreements with asbestos companies which can negatively affect your award; make sure your attorney is willing to put you first. Most attorneys will be happy to share this information with you, and could possibly give you client references for you to contact. Also, research the cases that did not win in court so that you could possibly avoid the same mistakes in your case.
An efficient way to search for an attorney is to visit websites of law firms that specialize in mesothelioma cases. Most of these websites have forms that you or someone close to you can fill out in order to receive a free case evaluation. By filling out a simple form with a small amount of information, law firms can assess your possible case and contact you with all of the information that you need to begin the process of getting what you deserve.
Consider all of these factors in your search for the appropriate lawyer to your personal case. Be sure that you find a lawyer who is willing to work hard for your benefit so you can alleviate some of your stress during this arduous journey.
Provides mesothelioma information, resources, legal issues, and how to find a mesothelioma attorney.
Mesothelioma Lawyer
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