Karena dari hati yang baik, maka bisa dipastikan tindakan kita akan selalu terjaga dengan baik.
Kita akan selalu menyempatkan melakukan hal-hal baik, yang dapat menambah pahala kita dibulan suci ini, jika hati kita senantiasa dijaga dengan baik.
Mengapa Hati yang Harus Terlebih Dulu Dijaga? Karena Saat Hati Kita Baik, Maka Semua yang Ada Pada Diri Kita Akan Baik
Lantas ketika ada diantara kita yang bertanya, mengapa harus hati yang kita upayakan untuk terkendali? Karena saat hati kita sudah terkendali dengan baik, dapat kita jaga dengan kesabaran, maka semua yang ada pada diri kita ini akan baik pula
Mata, Lisan, Dan Telinga Kita Akan Terkendali Dengan Baik, Jika Hati Telah Dikendalikan Dengan Baik
Menahan mata agar tidak melihat yang tidak baik, menahan lisan agar tidak ghibah dan tidak berkata yang tidak baik, menahan telinga agar tidak mendengar hal keburukan, semua itu bisa kita lakukan saat hati sudah bisa dikendalikan dengan baik.
Tentu Sulit Mengkodisikan Hati Agar Selalu Baik Secara Maksimal, Tapi Bagaimanapun Kita Harus Selalu Berusaha
Tapi tentu akan sulit mengkondisikan hati agar selalu baik secara maksimal, namun bagaimanapun kita harus berusaha, kita harus memerangi nafsu yang kian manja menyanding diri.
Jika haus dan lapar dapat kita tahan, maka upayakanlah diri kita juga tidak melakukan hal-hal yang akan mengurangi kadar pahala puasa yang kita lakukan sekarang.
Puasa Itu Bukan Hanya Menahan Lapar Dan Haus Semata, Tapi Bagaimana Kiranya Nafsu Kita Juga Ditahan
Serta ingatlah kembali, bahwa puasa itu bukan hanya menahan lapar dan haus semata, tapi bagaimana kiranya nafsu kita juga dapat terkendali dengan baik dan bijaksana.
Pastikan kita tak hanya menahan lisan dari memakan atau meminum sesuatu, tapi juga menahan agar tidak berbicara yang buruk, seperti membicarakan keburukan orang lain atau menfitnah
Dan Ketika Hati Dan Diri Kita Telah Terkendali Dengan Baik, Semoga Allah Memberikan Kita Hadiah Kebaikan yang Melimpah
Dan ketika hati, nafsu, dan diri kita telah terkendali dengan baik dan bijaksana, maka semoga Allah akan memberikan kita hadiah pahala dan kebaikan yang melimpah kepada kita.
Semoga pula bukan hari ini saja kita dapat mengkondisikan hati dan diri dengan baik, tapi besok, lusa, dan seterusnya kitapun senantiasa istiqamah. Aminn
sumber : humairoh
With the number of mesothelioma law suits steadily rising in the recent times, there is a marked increase in the number of best mesothelioma lawyer as well. These attorneys often deal only with mesothelioma cases and aid the victims in claiming their rightful compensation. The lawyers help mesothelioma victims to pinpoint the appropriate time and source from where they contracted the disease. Many of the patients fall prey to the disease due to lack of precautionary activities by their employers. Best mesothelioma Professional are able to collect millions of dollars as compensation for their clients with their accurately prepared and presented defense.
Common Reasons For Mesothelioma Lawsuits
Apart from overexposure to asbestos at the workplace, there are other reasons also which lead to a valid mesothelioma case. In certain instances buildings containing asbestos in the walls and foundations have been demolished without adequate precautionary measures. This has led mesothelioma in the nearby residents due to a large number of airborne asbestos fibers. Best mesothelioma lawyers are adept at tracing the origins of these incidents and claiming the necessary compensation for the victims. Certain law firms concentrate on malpractice litigations against medical personnel who experiment with alternative modes of treatment for mesothelioma. You can also bring in a lawsuit against doctors for negligence.
Recruiting The Best Mesothelioma Lawyer
Once you determine the need for the best mesothelioma lawyer, it is essential to start the search for your attorney as soon as possible since each state has its own statute of limitations or a particular time limit within which legal action needs to be taken. Asbestos mesothelioma Professional are specialists in their field of mesothelioma litigation and have a very high success rate. Attorneys experienced in mesothelioma cases are in great demand all over the country. The best mesothelioma lawyer can easily be found with a little research with many online mesothelioma legal help posted on the internet. Apart from individual attorneys, there are also many specialized law firms which deal in mesothelioma litigations alone.
Once you have decided who your attorney is going to be, have a personal meeting right away to assess your case and decide the legalities involved in the litigation. Your attorney is bound to inform you about your legal rights and any other alternative measures that you could follow. The best mesothelioma lawyers should also inform you of his charges and any other legal charges that may be involved during the course of the litigation. A good rapport with your attorney is of utmost importance as many personal issues will have to be discussed.
Asbestos mesothelioma Adviser are specialists in the area of mesothelioma litigation. The mesothelioma lawyers are the best in their area of expertise and can bring about a successful mesothelioma lawsuit for their clients. An online mesothelioma lawyer can be easily located with the help of the internet.
Mesothelioma Lawsuit [http://www.legalinfo-online.com/mesotheliomalaw.html] comprises regulations and procedures that govern the compensation claims for the victims of mesothelioma disease. Mesothelioma Lawyer [http://www.legalinfo-online.com/mesotheliomaattorney.html] to file for compensation claims.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Thomas_Jhon/469668
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3311006
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