Suka atau berencana membuat tato di tubuh anda?
Nah, hati-hati saja, karena salah-salah pilih gambar tato, anda bisa kena musibah tak terduga.
Apa yang dialami oleh seorang pria Inggris bernama Paul Ferrell (32) ini bakal jadi pengalaman tak terlupakan buatnya.
Peristiwa tak mengenakkan menimpa Paul, saat sedang berlibur di Kamboja.
Saat sedang minum-minum hingga mabuk, Paul tiba-tiba dihajar oleh 10 turis asal China.
Gigi Paul rompal.
Wajahnya penuh luka memar.
Paul sendiri kebingungan mengapa ia tiba-tiba dihajar hingga babak belur begitu.
Nah, dilansir dari New York Post, media lokal Taiwan menyebut, tato yang ada di dahi Paul Ferrel, diduga jadi penyebab.
Para pria asal China itu marah saat melihat tato di dahi Paul Ferrel.
Paul memang merajah dahinya dengan tulisan mandarin.
Mau tahu apa arti tulisan mandarin di dahi Paul Ferrel?
Tulisan itu dibaca : 'Taiwan'.
Ya, diduga, orang-orang asal China itu mengamuk saat melihat tulisan Taiwan tersebut.
Sudah jadi rahasia umum, hubungan pemerintah China dan Taiwan, termasuk warga negara mereka, memang tak pernah akur.
Taiwan menyebut China sebagai negara penjajah.
Sebaliknya, China menyebut Taiwan adalah sudah sejak lama menjadi bagian dari mereka, dan menyebut kalangan yang ingin merdeka sebagai pemberontak.
Nah, dilansir New York Post, media lokal Taiwan menulis, sebelum 10 pria China itu mengamuk, mereka menginterogasi Paul Ferrel.
Para pria China itu memaksa Paul mengakui, bila Taiwan adalah bagian dari China.
"Taiwan, China! (Taiwan itu China)," teriak para turis China.
Sementara Paul menolak menurut.
Ia dengan lantang berteriak : "Taiwan, Taiwan! (Taiwan ya Taiwan),"
Teriakan itu pun membuat para turis asal China mengamuk.
Mereka pun menghajar Paul tanpa ampun.
Paul Ferrel, asal Inggris, sudah 14 tahun ini hidup di Taiwan.
Ia rupanya mencintai negara tersebut.
Tak hanya tato tulisan Taiwan di dahi.
Ia juga punya tato bendera Taiwan, sebagai bukti kecintaannya terhadap negara Formosa itu.
Bahkan, Paul Ferrel mengaku, ia sebenarnya sudah mengubah namanya, menjadi Lo Han.
Tapi, meski benar-benar mencintai Taiwan, tapi rupanya Paul tak mau mati konyol.
Takut kondisinya makin parah, saat dihajar, Paul menyerah.
Ia berkata kepada para turis China itu : "Oke, oke, kalau kau pikir Taiwan adalah China, aku akan mengakui Taiwan adalah China. Aku hanya ingin pergi dari sini," (*)
Sumber :
Outcome of asbestos exposure has been established but a number of companies chose to mask these fallouts and expose their workers to its risks. Though mesothelioma was first detected years ago, the first groundbreaking favorable verdict was passed in 1972. After this, Mesothelioma law firms all over America filed numerous litigations and lawsuits for their clients. An effective tool in the hand of mesothelioma lawyers is the option of filing class action lawsuits against defaulting companies. This is a clause that permits a person or persons to take legal action or be sued as the representative of a set of people who have a particular interest. This mass representation has helped strengthen the case of mesothelioma in every respect.
Since the condition is usually not diagnosed immediately after asbestos exposure and may take years later to develop, these cases can be complicated. To deal with the problem effectively and acquire a favorable settlement, it is important to hire the services of a specialized mesothilioma law firm or attorney. Accomplished lawyers have the ability to acquire beneficial monetary settlements to recompense Mesothelioma victims. Reputed attorneys take up these settlement claims promptly. This is because most lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This simply means plaintiffs are not required to pay legal bills immediately and are to be paid when plaintiffs receive a settlement.
Mesothelioma settlements depend upon representation and actual implication of the disease. Lawyers who represent such settlement cases are skilled professionals who can effectively prove company liability. A settlement is usually a well-bargained deal with inputs from both the plaintiffs and default companies legal representation. The advantage of hiring reputed lawyers in Mesothelioma litigation claims prompt offenders to agree to settlement proposals without prolonged discussions. This is because an unsettled and prolonged litigation can cause company enormous losses.
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