Dekan FISIP Universitas Riau (UR) Syafri Harto mengatakan, pihaknya terkejut atas penggeledahan yang dilakukan aparat kepolisian dari Densus 88 di lingkungan kampusnya.
Tepatnya, di gedung Gelanggang Mahasiswa, FISIP UR.
Dirinya mengaku belum tahu, apakah memang ada orang yang diamankan dari sana.
Termasuk tentang benda-benda apa saja yang dibawa petugas sebagai barang bukti.
"Saya belum bisa sampaikan apa-apa, kebetulan tadi saya juga terlambat," kata dia.
Disebutkan Syafri Harto, gedung yang digeledah itu selama ini digunakan untuk tempat sekretariat kelembagaan kampus saja.
Dirinya mengaku sejauh ini juga tidak pernah mendengar atau mendapat laporan soal adanya aktivitas mencurigakan yang ada di gedung itu.
"Makanya kita semua terkejut ini, sangat surprise," ungkap dia.
"Nanti kita sampaikan secara resmi ya," sambung dia lagi.
Sebelumnya, gedung Gelanggang Mahasiswa Kampus Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) UR dipasangi garis polisi, Sabtu (2/6/2018) siang.
Gedung berwarna oranye itu mendadak digeledah petugas.
Bahkan radius sekitar 15 sampai 20 meter dari gedung itu, disterilkan.
Sampai berita ini diturunkan, belum diketahui pasti terkait apa penggeledahan ini dilakukan.
Saat ini, puluhan anggota dari Satuan Brimob bersenjata lengkap masih bersiaga di sekitar lokasi.
Termasuk sejumlah kendaraan taktis juga standby.
Hal ini juga memancing perhatian warga sekitar yang merasa penasaran, apa sebenarnya yang terjadi.
Sebelumnya, gedung Gelanggang Mahasiswa Kampus Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) UR dipasangi garis polisi, Sabtu (2/6/2018) siang.
Gedung berwarna oranye itu mendadak digeledah petugas.
Bahkan radius sekitar 15 sampai 20 meter dari gedung itu, disterilkan.
Belum diketahui pasti terkait apa penggeledahan ini dilakukan.
Saat ini, puluhan anggota dari Satuan Brimob bersenjata lengkap masih bersiaga di sekitar lokasi.
Termasuk sejumlah kendaraan taktis juga standby.
Hal ini juga memancing perhatian warga sekitar yang merasa penasaran, apa sebenarnya yang terjadi. (*)
Sejumlah barang tampak dibawa keluar oleh polisi dari dalam Gedung Gelanggang Mahasiswa Kampus FISIP.
Seperti beberapa buah tas sandang punggung, kantong plastik, dan ember bekas cat.
Pantauan, barang-barang ini langsung dimasukkan ke dalam mobil milik Gegana, Satuan Brimobda Riau.
sumber :
Mesothelioma cancer occurs because of prolonged exposure to market sectors where the workers are subjected to dusty natural environments containing asbestos fibers. Such industries are generally related to stone-crushing, textiles, domestic plumbing industries, color making, and construction firms among others.
In certain industries the workers have to do their job with little or no safeguards from the asbestos debris entering into their lung area. In most cases the disastrous effects are observed years later. Only several treatments can provide momentary solutions to the disease but inevitably the cancer malignancy spreads to other areas of the body.
Eighty percent of mesothelioma cases never go to court, according to a recent survey, due to the limited life expectancy of the patient. Even so, a court settlement will give the sufferer much needed-money in order to offset their mounting medical bills and at least preserve some quality to their life.
You only have a brief amount of time after getting diagnosed with mesothelioma to launch a claim. Certain states allow claims to be filed for up to two or three years, however, many states only permit you one year to file the claim. Don't let conniving asbestos company legal professionals string you along with false promises or you will end up waiting too long to file your lawsuit due to their delay tactics.
If you are late by even one day when filing your lawsuit, you may risk losing a huge amount of money in settlements in your case that would benefit you and your family. Once you have any kind of symptom associated with mesothelioma, it is imperative that you seek out an established law firm who specializes in mesothelioma related cancer situations.
Even though mesothelioma law firms are experienced in lengthy trials, some cases are settled out of court. If that happens you would not have to testify and may save a lot of time and ensure a speedy compensation. On the other hand, if your case would go to trial then your legal professional will make it as simple as he or she possibly can for you when you are asked by the court to give your firsthand account in regards to asbestos exposure while on the job.
More articles from the author, whom is a writer and researcher, can be found here.
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