Miris, Keseringan Minum Teh Kemasan Bocah 11 Tahun Ini Meninggal Dunia

Seorang wanita pengguna akun Facebook bernama Siti Choirunisah membagikan cerita tentang saudaranya yang masih usia belia namun sudah meninggal dunia.
Saudaranya diketahui bernama Andrian Alfa Risky Bin Aris Dianto alias Rian yang hampir berusia 11 tahun. Rian masih duduk di bangku kelas 5 sekolah dasar.
Menurut cerita yang dibagikan Siti, Rian hobi membeli minuman yang manis-manis, seperti teh kemasan dan soft drink.
Rian diketahui juga kurang mengkonsumsi air putih. Belum lama ini, Rian tiba-tiba mengalami koma setelah muntah-muntah.
Sebelum Rian koma, oleh pihak keluarga dibawa ke Puskesmas terdekat. Puskesmas lalu merujuk Rian untuk ke rumah sakit di Jakarta Pusat.
Sampai di Unit Gawat Darurat (UGD) rumah sakit, tak kunjung ditangani. Rian pun sempat mengeluh kepada ibunya karena merasa kesakitan.
Usai diambil darahnya, hasil laboratorium menyatakan bahwa kadar gula Rian mencapai 500 dan ginjalnya beracun.
Rian sempat menangis dan alami sesak napas hingga tak sadarkan diri. Dokter pun harus memasang alat bantu pernapasan berupa selang oksigen.
Tak berapa lama, Siti kemudian mengabarkan bahwa Rian telah menghembuskan napas terakhirnya pada Sabtu (19/5/2018) malam.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un
Telah berpulang kerahmat Allah.
Andrian Alfa Risky Bin Aris Dianto.
Sabtu, 19 May 2018 (21:45 wib)
Semoga adinda Rian bisa diterima disisi Allah, dan bahagia disurga Allah. Serta keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberikan ke ikhlasan.
Melalui peristiwa ini, diharapkan makin banyak orangtua yang lebih peduli dengan makanan dan minuman yang masuk ke tubuh anak-anaknya.
Simak cerita lengkap Siti berikut ini:
Pentingnya peran air putih.
Mohon doanya ya teman teman semua.Untuk saudara saya Adrian Alfa Rizky bin Aris Dianto. Semoga Allah angkat sakitnya, segera dibangunkan dari komanya, bisa berkumpul dan bersekolah lagi. Aamiin ya rabballallaamiin.
Adrian umur nya jalan 11 th.Beliau kelas 5sd.Beliau hoby minum manis2, es teh manis, teh p*c*k, teh *e*l*s , *c*h*t*n, dan minuman manis atau soft drink lainnya.
Jumat pagi Rian muntah muntah, dilarikan ke puskesmas. Dan diajukan ke Rs di Jakarta Pusat.
Sampai RS di UGD belum ada tindakan , dan beberapa lama kemudian Rian di tes darah dan lain-lain.
Sampai Rian bilang *Mamah pulang yuk, aku udah ga kuat sakit banget*
Dan setelah hasil keluar Rian langsung di rujuk ke ICU. Kadar gula 500, ginjal juga sudah kena. Karena Rian sudah ga kuat, beliau menangis hingga sesak nafas.
Dan dipasang alat nafas di hidung untuk bernafas. Tapi ditarik terus sama Rian. Hingga Rian lemas dan berdaya. Rian langsung lemas, dan nafasnya semakin sulit.
Hingga dokter menyarankan untuk memasang selang pernapasan. Setelah selang terpasang Rian koma belum sadarkan diri.
Tahun lalu alm Teman SMP kejadiannya seperti Rian. Gula naik jadi 500 , Ginjal beracun. Ini karena sering minum teh manis,  dan minuman manis lainnya. Sehingga jarang minum air putih.
Jangan sepelekan air putih. 8 gelas air putih perhari bantu kesehatan tubuh kita. Sehat itu mahal. Jaga diri dan orang orang yang tersayang di sekitar kita.

Sumber: tribunnews.com
Searching online for a good law firm that handles Mesothelioma claims is a good start for finding a cancer lawyer. They are not very difficult to find, since Mesothelioma is a fatal illness and limits the lifespan of anyone inflicted with it to just two years. The tragedy of learning about the disease is discovering that it can also be prevented. The only known and proven cause of Mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. When asbestos dust is inhaled, it gathers in the lungs and begins to eat lung tissue away. After some time, it develops into the lethal cancer that kills its victims. Many wonder how exposure to asbestos happens. People who have worked in the industries where asbestos was present have had high exposure to the deadly dust that leads to Mesothelioma. Asbestos textile workers, construction workers and demolition workers have had significant exposure. Miners and shipyard workers have probably had exposure every single day they have worked. The U.S. military also has placed workers at risk. On a yearly basis, about 3000 Americans are diagnosed with Mesothelioma. The job of physicians who are using interventions to fight the disease is almost impossible. They have been able to give medicines and treatments that help stop the extreme pains associated with the disease. Beyond that, their hands have been tied. Aggressive treatments are usually too expensive for those with the disease to afford. Many have gone bankrupt just trying to fight for their lives. If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, you should hire an asbestos attorney to counsel you through your claim and any resulting lawsuits. Your Mesothelioma lawyer can help you determine whether you have a case against your employer. If you do, they can file the claim and guide you every step of the way towards a settlement. The experience of Mesothelioma lawyers can be such a relief to victims and their families. Usually, those in this predicament are thinking more about the ills of the disease rather than monetary compensation for their suffering. Many are not even focused on how they contracted the disease and do not know they can receive compensation. A Mesothelioma lawyer can help a family get the reparations they rightfully deserve and make a devastating time a little easier financially. Grieving family members, too, have a stake in hiring a Mesothelioma lawyer. Survivors of Mesothelioma victims are eligible to file claims. They have the right to know why their family members were not informed that the asbestos they inhaled could kill them. Going to an experienced attorney and telling them about your case could be your first step toward getting the compensation you deserve. Thank you for taking the time to read my Article! Please visit Get help from Mesothelioma Attorney [http://hiremesotheliomalawyer.com] site for more information. Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jes_B/436894 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3238762

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