Laporan Wartawan Tribun Pekanbaru: Rizky Armanda
TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM, PEKANBARU - Rektor Universitas Riau Aras Mulyadi mengaku sangat menyayangkan sekali terkait adanya terduga teroris yang ditangkap di lingkungan kampus.
"Selama ini tidak ada hal yang mencurigakan selama ini. Apalagi yang kegiatannya mengarah ke aksi terorisme. Kami civitas akademika sangat mengutuk ini," kata Aras yang turut hadir dalam kegiatan konferensi pers di Mapolda Riau, Sabtu (2/6/2018) malam dengan turut didampingi Dekan FISIP UR, Syafri Harto.
Aras melanjutkan, pihaknya sangat tidak mentolerir adanya kegiatan aktivitas berbau terorisme semacam ini.
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Pihaknya juga menyampaikan ucapan terimakasih kepada Densus 88 dan Polda Riau yang sudah bergerak cepat untuk menangkap para terduga teroris yang ternyata ada di lingkungan kampus tersebut
"Kami pada Senin depan akan declare, bahwasanya kita mengutuk kegiatan ini apalagi di kampus. Ini tindakan yang tidak bisa kita tolerir," kata dia.
"Kami akan konsolidasi secara internal, supaya membenahi agar jangan sampai hal ini terulang kembali. Ini pengalaman pertama dan terakhir lah," tegas Aras lagi.
Sementara itu Kapolda Riau Irjen Pol Nandang didampingi Kabid Humas AKBP Sunarto merinci ada 3 orang yang diamankan oleh Densus 88 di kampus UR, tepatnya di gedung Gelanggang Mahasiswa, FISIP, Minggu siang tadi.
Tiga orang tersebut masing-masing berinisial Z, K, dan D. Ketiganya diamankan lantaran diduga terlibat jaringan teroris.
Mereka diketahui juga merupakan alumni FISIP UR. Diantaranya D dari jurusan Administasi Publik angkatan 2002, K dari jurusan Komunikasi angkatan 2004, dan Z Ilmu Pariwisata angkatan 2005.
Mereka ada yang berasal dari Kampar, Inhu, dan ada yang tinggal di sekitar kampus.
"Kita sudah memperoleh data awal yang akurat (terkait aktivitas ketiganya). Sudah dua minggu ini dilakukan pengintaian. Rencana Jumat akan ditangkap, tapi karena tidak memungkinkan, baru Sabtu ini dilakukan penangkapan," ujar Kapolda Riau.
Baca: Kapolda: 3 Orang Terduga Teroris Bersama 4 Bom Siap Ledak Diamankan dari Kampus UR
Bahkan kata Kapolda, 4 buah bom siap ledak turut diamankan. Rencananya akan diledakkan di kantor DPRD Provinsi Riau dan DPR RI.
Daya ledak bom ini sendiri kata Kapolda, diperkirakan setara dengan bom yang diledakkan oleh terduga teroris di salaj satu gereja di Surabaya.
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"Yang merakit yang jurusan pariwisata. Dia yang mengajarkan bagaimana merakit bom melalui Instagram, dia juga mengajak untuk melaksanakan amaliyah, melakukan bom bunuh diri," sebut Kapolda.
"Bom ini sudah dijinakkan oleh Tim Jibom. Ada juga serbuk-serbuk 8 macam yang diamankan. Ini sensitif untuk meledak. Barang-barang ini dirakit di lokasi (penangkapan). Jadi terduga ini numpang tidur di salah satu mess di lingkungan kampus, sudah sebulan," sambung Nandang lagi.
Selain itu sebut Nandang, ada juga busur dan anak panah yang diamankan. Termasuk sebuah senapan angin.
Saat ditanyai soal termasuk jaringan mana ketiga terduga teroris ini, Nandang menyebutkan pihak kepolisian masih melakukan pendalaman dan pengembangan lebih lanjut.
Baca: Densus 88 Geledah Fisip UR, Dewan: Ini pertanda di Riau ini Sudah Sangat Memprihatinkan
"Dia afiliasinya ke mana, nanti akan kita kembangkan lebih lanjut," paparnya.(*)
sumber :
A mesothelioma law firm is one in which the associates represent the people or close relatives of people who have been afflicted with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses. If you or someone close to you has mesothelioma or another asbestos related disease and you would like to pursue litigation then it is in your best interest to contact a mesothelioma law firm.
If these firms have been practicing law for an extensive amount of time the attorneys and support team often empathize with the victims of these diseases. They also develop a rather deep understanding of all of the work that is involved in bringing the companies that caused so much grief and pain to so many people to justice.
Laws that govern civil actions, or torts, can be very complex. This is the precise area within which asbestos litigation falls. One of the reasons that it can be so challenging is that each state deals with this aspect of the law differently. Both important elements as well as specific statutes can vary significantly from one state to the next. For example, some states may have more rigorous demands as far as demonstrating the burden of proof goes.
Because these cases can be so involved it is important for mesothelioma victims to work with mesothelioma attorneys. These men and women have often devoted a significant portion of their lives keeping abreast of the most current legal opinions, the latest research, as well as case law that involves mesothelioma and other diseases that are related to asbestos.
In order to consistently be successful, mesothelioma attorneys have to master all of the complex issues that are involved with asbestos related cases. Many times not only does the location where the exposure to asbestos happened have to be identified, the conditions under which it occurred have to be pinpointed as well.
Mesothelioma attorneys also need to have information at their disposal that will let them determine who manufactured the asbestos or the product that contained the asbestos. Since exposure often happened decades before the disease was diagnosed this could be a very daunting task for any law firm that does not specialize in mesothelioma.
The challenge is compounded because many of the companies either merged with or were acquired by other companies over the years. Subsequently, a parent company that currently operates under a name other than that of the original company may be held liable. Large mesothelioma law firms often have massive databases that are full of information that relates to just about every area of the asbestos industry. And the databases are readily available to them whenever they need them.
By the turn of the 21st century, Halliburton, had paid close to $100 million in settlements for multiple asbestos-related lawsuits that were filed against its subsidiaries. Do you think this could have happened without such databases?
Next, if you would like to contact mesothelioma law firm that has 30 years of experience in the successful pursuit of asbestos claims, a firm that has won awards for more than 2,000 of its clients, go to => Wendy Moyer on behalf of Sokolove Law.
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