Jual Anak demi Beli Makeup, Ibu Ini Kantongi Rp 100 Juta

Jika hewan saja bisa menyayangi anak mereka, bukankah manusia seharusnya lebih dari itu? Namun, kisah ibu satu ini pastinya akan bikin geram banyak orang. Pasalnya, setelah tega menjual anaknya sendiri, ibu itu kemudian menghabiskan sejumlah uangnya untuk membeli makeup.

Wanita yang bernama Yu tersebut, diketahui berasal dari Provinsi Yunnan, Tiongkok. Menurut keterangan polisi, Yu melaporkan kepada pihak mereka bahwa anak perempuannya yang berumur satu tahun hilang di stasiun kereta.
Bedasarkan laporan pelaku, Yu dan putrinya 'Huahua' berencana ke kota Henan di Zhengzhou untuk melakukan tamasya. Tapi ketika di stasiun, ia kehilangan jejak putrinya yang masih balita. Setelah mendengar masalah Yu, polisi kemudian melakukan tindakan cepat untuk menemukan sang anak. Kenyataanya, polisi justru menemukan fakta yang mengejutkan.

Setelah melakukan penyidikan selama 10 jam, polisi justu menyadari bahwa gadis kecil itu tidak hilang seperti yang diceritakan ibunya, melainkan dijual. Setelah mengutus penyidikan ini, ibu itu akhirnya mengakui perbuatannya bahwa ia telah menjual putrinya sendiri seharga 50,000 yuan atau setara dengan Rp 110 juta.
Setelah menjual putrinya, ia langsung pergi berbelanja dan menghabiskan uang Rp 13 juta lebih hanya untuk membeli make up. Meski sang ibu mengakui perbuatannya, polisi perlu melacak keberadaan 'Huahua' selama tiga hari.

Setelah berhasil menemukannya, mereka kemudian membawa gadis kecil itu untuk diasuh ayahnya. Sementara, dua orang yang diketahui membeli 'Huahua' kemudian ditangkap dengan dakwaan perdagangan anak.

sumber : Liputan6.com, Tiongkok - 
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which is generally caused due to the exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma is a critical form of cancer which generally affects the lungs of the human organism. Mostly those people who are very much prone to the exposure of asbestos in their day to day life will lead to get affected by Mesothelioma. In this consideration, mostly, the labors in the industrial and in the construction firm get affected by Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is virtually caused due to the exposure to asbestos, which generally gets into one's body through tiny dust like particles which float in the air in the process of inhaling. Symptoms of mesothelioma are many and varied. The most common sign or symptom of Mesothelioma is lack of proper inhaling, continuous coughing, constant pain in the chest, etc. In addition to this, loss of weight, swelling of the abdomen, fever and anemia are also some other Mesothelioma symptoms. Mesothelioma is a very rare form of cancer and hence the proper diagnosis of it cannot be enhanced due to the different symptoms that crop up in Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma can be treated in various ways. The most common and the basic form of Mesothelioma treatment is through surgery. The surgery will help in the removal of the affected lining of the body organs whether it be in the chest, abdomen or in the neck. Another popular form of Mesothelioma treatment is the radiation therapy. This radiation therapy or radiotherapy is implied in order to kill the cancer affects cell areas. Mesothelioma thus becomes a deadly disease when no remedial measures are taken to overcome it and when exposure to asbestos is not controlled. But at present, there are various Mesothelioma law firms which are established in many countries of the world especially in those places where there is high percentage of mesothelioma, a cancer which is the result of high exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma law firm is entitled to provide advice to thousands of mesothelioma patients every year. Mesothelioma law firms are large enough to have huge resources and years of experience. Each case of mesothelioma is handled individually and proper investigations are made to help out the clients. Mesothelioma law firm provides adequate counseling to the victims of asbestos. The mesothelioma law firms are based on two aspects. Firstly, to alert the victims about the possibility of this cancer due to the exposure to asbestos and secondly to improve the work place where exposure of asbestos are common. Farzina Naznin as a writer has been associated with various sites like [http://www.carehealthsite.org], [http://www.bestcarehealthsite.com], [http://www.malehealthinfo.com/] for writing articles. Moreover, these sites will enable the writer to know the various forms of cancer and also about their treatments. Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Farzina_Naznin/41751 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/250605

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