Heboh, Hijab Asal Malaysia yang Terinspirasi Dari Pocong

Membuat sebuah tren memang diperlukan kreativitas dan keunikan. Seakan siap menjadi perbincangan, desainer asal Malaysia ini dengan berani meluncurkan hijab yang terinspirasi dari pocong.
Benar saja, baru tiga hari yang lalu diluncurkan, hijab ini tak hanya viral di Malaysia tapi juga Indonesia.
Desainer di belakang ide itu adalah Azzim Aziz. Melalui akun Instagram-nya ia mengunggah delapan warna hijab dengan nama Bawal Pocong.
Bentuknya memang menyerupai kepala pocong, yaitu ada simpul tepat di atas kepala.
Riasan yang dipakai model juga terinspirasi dari hantu itu. Riasan matanya tebal dan berwarna gelap dengan bola mata memakai softlense warna terang.
Bibir sang model juga diwarnai ungu tua, menambah sensasi ‘seram’ yang kuat.
Sayangnya, ia tidak memberikan penjelasan terkait bentuk asli hijab tersebut apakah bentuknya hijab segi empat atau memang hijab instan yang sudah berbentuk kepala pocong. Dilihat dari dekat, hijab tersebut ditaburi payet berwarna putih.
Harganya pun tidak disebutkan. Sang desainer hanya menjelaskan bahwa produk ini dipersiapkan untuk menyambut Hari Raya Idul Fitri. “Bawal Pocong by Azzim Aziz 2018.
“Mana tau kan nak ubah style tahun ni dengan bawal pocong,” tulis Azzim di akun Instagram-nya @azzim_aziz.
Entah benar jadi tren atau tidak, tapi keberanian Azzim untuk membuat sesuatu yang sensasional menuai perhatian yang besar. Ada juga yang memberikan kritik di akun Instagram Azzim.
“Belum mati sudah mau jadi pocong macam mayat hidup, tiada apa yang nak dibanggakan” tulis akun Instagram @uribeautyspa.
Di Indonesia, perbincangan mengenai hijab ini mulai menyebar di media sosial hingga forum-forum di internet.
Kebanyakan dari netizen merasa takut melihat penampakan hijab yang berbentuk kepala pocong ini.
Sumber: detik.com
A specialized mesothelioma trial attorney should be hired for cases dealing with mesothelioma. Since this is a serious disease caused by negligence of others, the claim amount is high. Therefore getting the best mesothelioma attorney is imperative. Few Things To Consider Before Getting A Mesothelioma Lawyer Before going ahead with a particular lawyer it is wise to do your own research. You may need to think over a few questions before hiring a mesothelioma trial attorney. o How many such cases the lawyer has handled and the success rate of the cases? o What does the lawyer charge as fees? o Does he/she have a contingency arrangement? o Is the lawyer considerate to the points put forward by you? o Would he be transferring your case to another legal firm for commission? o Is he interested enough in your case? o What kind of role would you play in decision making? o Is the lawyer well versed with mesothelioma law? You must consider the above questions before hiring a mesothelioma trial attorney. You can also look through directory websites to look for an online mesothelioma attorney. Specialized Mesothelioma Legal Services Mesothelioma is caused by exposure or inhalation of asbestos dust. This disease is most common among construction mine and The worst thing is that it cannot be detected in the early stages. It takes years to develop and may get diagnosed only after the victim has retired or is working somewhere else. In such cases special law services are available to deal with mesothelioma related cases. Mostly the fight is against established and known companies. These companies may try to mislead the court or provide false proof in order to weaken the case. Therefore it is better to go through a reputed mesothelioma law firm. An experienced mesothelioma trial attorney can get an out of court settlement for about $1 million. According to the US law the victim can prove his disease with the help of medical reports and employment terms and conditions with the culprit company. Every American state has specialized mesothelioma legal services. They provide help and services to those affected with mesothelioma and fight against companies causing it. Mesothelioma lawyers are understanding and empathetic individuals. They help in giving information about lung cancer, treatment and the rights of the victim. They are also associated with support groups helping the victims. Mesothelioma trial attorney usually takes up a limited number of cases. This way proper attention can be given to these special cases. Mesothelioma law [http://www.legalinfo-online.com/mesotheliomalaw.html] concerns defending the rights of the victims of mesothelioma disease. Mesothelioma Attorney [http://www.legalinfo-online.com/mesotheliomaattorney.html] is a person who helps such victims get compensation from negligent employers. Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Thomas_Jhon/469668 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3311018

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