Batalkah Puasanya Kalau Keluar Darah, Disuntik dan Tertelan Air Saat Perawatan Gigi?

Mahasiswa kedokteran gigi melakukan penambalan sederhana pada gigi berlubang siswa sekolah dasar dalam acara Bulan Kesehatan Gigi Nasional (BKGN) 2012 di Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut (RSGM) FKG Unpad, Jalan Sekeloa, Kota Bandung, Senin (8/10/2012). Kegiatan yang berlangsung hingga 10 Oktober 2012 ini melibatkan 120 dokter gigi yang didampingi sekitar 350 mahasiswa kedokteran gigi dan 25 perawat gigi, dengan tujuan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat Bandung dalam menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut. (TRIBUN JABAR/GANI KURNIAWAN)

Ustaz, saya sedang menjalani perawatan gigi.

Nah, selama berpuasa ini apakah hukumnya pemeriksaan gigi?

Saya agak ragu karena banyak yang terjadi pada mulut, seperti membilas, menyuntik anestesi dan mencabut gigi yang mengeluarkan darah.

Bagaimana jika tidak sengaja tertelan air bilasan?

Apakah suntikan membatalkan puasa? Apakah darah yang keluar membatalkan puasa?

Terima kasih

Dari Iin di Depok

Diantara yang membatalkan puasa adalah masuknya makanan atau minuman ke dalam tubuh dengan sengaja.

Suntikan dengan demikian, insya Allah tidak membatalkan puasa. Begitu pula darah yang keluar karena tindakan medis.

Adapun air yang tertelan, mestinya tidak membatalkan puasa, kalau sungguh-sungguh tidak sengaja.

Namun, kalau yang dilakukan hanya perawatan dan BUKAN pengobatan, maka disarankan agar dilakukan di luar Ramadan. Untuk untuk menjaga timbulnya banyak keraguan atas ibadah puasa anda.

When you are a mesothelioma patient, you may have the law to give you the justice that you deserve. If your condition was caused by neglect, then you might have a case against your employer or the person responsible. To make it through the process, you need the guidance of a good lawyer and mesothelioma attorneys are so many. Their number has been perpetuated by the lucrative cases which fetch so much money that see them get 40% of the total reward. All winnings can be over a million dollars and this is why you need to choose mesothelioma attorneys who are thinking about more than money. There are several tips that will be helpful and it is upon you to read and understand. Then, take the necessary caution, and you will have what you need. Firstly, you need to know what your rights are and if you have been affected by asbestos, you have the right to a compensation. The major reason for this is because the companies which use asbestos to manufacture products have the knowledge that the substance is harmful and the fact that they kept this information to themselves, gives them a case to answer. Most companies kept this information to maintain their profits and to avoid legal tussles with the workers. Mesothelioma attorneys should therefore have a deeper knowledge and understanding of all that pertains to mesothelioma cases. You should therefore go the extra mile to find out how many cases they have managed to take to trial and how many they have worn. They should back this with evidence so that you avoid lip service. This will go a long way in helping your case stand a better chance of winning. The other thing you need to know while finding the right mesothelioma attorneys, is whether they intend to refer your case to another law firm or they intend to handle it themselves. You need to deal directly with the mesothelioma attorneys who must not act as middlemen. Other middlemen are not attorneys themselves and you need to be especially careful to find one who will be best for you. You need to consider your location. You do not have to go around the country to find mesothelioma attorneys because the distance might not work for your good. A thorough search through the internet will reveal that in your locality, you have several suitable lawyers. Trials are very hard to conduct and preparing for them will require several expenses. You therefore need to consider how you will settle all the payments including the attorney's fee. Most situations work on contingency basis where the attorney fees are settled when the case is concluded and won. If the case is not a victory, then the lawyer loses too. The other vital thing you should know about your attorney is whether they are capable of communicating well. They need to give you a summary of what they plan to do to make sure they win the case. Some lawyers are not convincing at all and, it is upon you to judge who is more likely to deliver the facts of the case the best way you see fit. Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Mesothelioma Lung Cancer. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here MESOTHELIOMA LUNG CANCER If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates. Article Source: Article Source:

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