Deretan artis yang sempat tertangkap menggunakan narkoba salah satunya adalah anak Elvy Sukaesih.
Dhawiya Zaida tertangkap pada Februari 2018.
Dengan kasus yang sama seperti Fachri Albar, atau Roro Fitria.
Dhawiya Zaida penyanyi sekaligus artis ini ditangkap bersama tunangannya bernama Muhammad (33), kakaknya bernama Syehan (46) dan Ali Zaenal Abidin (47), serta iparnya atau istri Syehan bernama Chauri Gita (30).
"(Penangkapan) dipimpin oleh AKBP Jean Calvin, pada hari Jumat tanggal 16 Februari 2018," kata Argo sebagaimana dikutip dari
Elvy Sukaesih dan Dhawiya Zaida
Elvy Sukaesih dan Dhawiya Zaida (Tribun Jambi)
Penangkapan berlangsung pada dinihari sekitar pukul 00:30 WIB di 2 tempat kejadian.
Pertama, di halaman depan garasi.
Kedua, di kamar tidur Dhawiya.
10 Fakta Penangkapan Dhawiya Karena Narkoba, Ternyata Ulahnya Pernah Bikin Elvy Sukaesih Menangis
Dari penangkapan ini, polisi turut mengamankan barang bukti beruba sabu 2 sachet seberat 0,45 gram dan 0,49 gram, alat hisap, serta telepon genggam.
Sebelum dikonfirmasi Argo, kabar penangkapan Dhawiya beredar melalui pesan singkat di kalangan jurnalis.
”Rumah kediaman umi Elvi Sukaesih, digerebek polisi dan BNN. Dawiyah anaknya Elvi Sukaesih dibawa ke BNN, dengan barang bukti narkobanya,” demikian isi pesan tersebut.
Kabar penangkapan Dhawiya bersama kekasih, saudara kandungnya, dan iparnya langsung membuat riuh jagat maya.
Warganet terkejut sebab selama ini keluarga ratu dangdut tersebut dikenal taat.
Apalagi, hampir 1 keluarga yang berpesta narkoba.
Narkoba juga telah merusak tubuh Dhawiya, dari sebelumnya gemuk, kini menjadi kurus.
Ya, ada isu mengatakan bahwa Dhawiya mengonsumsi narkoba untuk program dietnya.
Padahal sebenarnya hal itu tak dibenarkan sama sekali dari sisi medis dan kesehatan.
Sejak beberapa bulan lalu ditangkap, Dhawiya kini sudah mendekam di penjara kurang lebih 3 bulan.
Usia tahanannya juga hampir sama seperti Roro Fitria, Fachri Albar, hingga artis yang lain yang juga ditangkap.
Belakangan, Dhawiya kembali diperbincangkan oleh netizen.
Berawal dari unggahan mengenai kabar terbarunya dan potret baru Dhawiya saat di penjara.
"Hari ini berkas perkara mbak dhawiya & pacar
Sdh dilimpahkan ke kejaksaan
Tapi ada satu momen yg bikin air mata netes,
Minceuuu syedih bnr liatnya
Anyway met berbuka puasa all " tulis akun @lambe_turah.
5 Fakta Kondisi Terbaru Dhawiya di Penjara, dari Tangisan Bebek Hingga Hadiah Elvy Sukaesih
Akun tersebut menjelaskan bahwa Dhawiya sekarang sedang menjalani kasus dakwaannya.
Potret Dhawiya di penjara cukup menjadi perhatian.
Dalam foto itu Dhawiya terlihat mengenakan pakaian serba hitam.
Dengan rambutnya yang dicepol satu ke atas kepala.
Ia sedang terlihat berdiri di depan jeruji hijau penjara dimana di seberangnya terlihat seorang pria berbaju gelap yang tengah memegangi wajahnya.
Netizen mengindikasi pria itu adalah kekasih Dhawiya yang juga ikut tertangkap dengannya.
Foto ini ada yang memancing beberapa netizen untuk berkomentar sedih juga.
@brandedkidsboutique: Kasian sebener benernya ya kasian.. yg sesungguh2nya ya kasian. Mau gimana juga kasian.
Penampilan Dhawiya juga tampaknya menjadi sorotan untuk netizen.
Sebab, tubuh Dhawiya yang besar terlihat semakin besar bahkan setelah beberapa bulan berada di penjara.
Sumber :
Mesothelioma or cancer of mesothelium occurs due to prolonged exposure to industries where the workers are to work in dusty environment. Such industries are, asbestos, stone-crushing, textiles, plumbing industries, color manufacturing, tyre industries, construction business etc. In those industries the workers are forced to work with little or no protection to the dust particles entering to their lungs. In most cases the devastating effects are perceived by the workers when there is little left to do regarding the treatment. In this case also the cancer is of no exception and let itself be detected at the advance stages. Only some treatment like biopsy etc cam provide temporary solution. However, the solution usually does not last for long as the cancer spreads in other parts of the body.
To protect or rather to provide some assistance in treating the disease, there is mesothelium law, by virtue of which a suffering patient can claim his rightful compensation from the company which is responsible for his ill-fate and sufferings. Usually finding a good mesothelioma lawyer becomes of great help as in filing the suit for compensation, the expertise of such a lawyer is vital. The mesothelium law requires the petitioner to file the suit in a time period permissible by the law between clinical confirmation of the disease and filing of the suit.
Every patient or client having mesothelioma is not expected to be conversant with the mesothelioma law and so it is better to seek professional assistance from mesothelioma lawyer. There are some lawyers who exclusively deal with mesothelioma law and some other lawyers who act as mesothelioma lawyer as part of the profession. Many law firms also deal with mesothelioma law. It is necessary to find the right place at the very beginning which ensures the result.
The compensation awarded in those cases may range from few thousand dollars to million dollars and successful settlement of cases. Yet, in all cases it is wise and better to leave the decision in the hand of the mesothelioma lawyer to decide the best course of action in settling the case. He may continue with the lawsuit or may even seek for a settlement outside the court premises through arbitration. But, in all cases the aim of the mesothelioma law remains on the successful settlement of the case.
Normally, at the very first instance there is no need to pay any fees to any body unless the case ends in awarding compensation. Even if the case is lost after hard try by the lawyer, still the client is not bound to pay a single penny to him. Only a certain percentage is claimed by mesothelioma lawyer or law firm when the compensation is awarded practically.
The mesothelioma law also permits the filing of the case in a different jurisdiction than where the cause of action arose. So, it is to be decided by the mesothelioma lawyer as to where and how the case is likely to be won.
For reliable assistance about mesothelioma legal issues, one can online visit mesothelioma law firm [] at to avail professional advice from board of mesothelioma lawyers [].
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