Pihak berwenang Kuba melihat kapal untuk pertama kalinya pada tanggal 16 Mei, dekat zona militer yang terbatas, Barat Havana. Mereka membuat banyak usaha yang gagal untuk berkomunikasi dengan para kru, dan akhirnya dimobilisasi tiga kapal patroli untuk mencegat itu.
Ketika mereka mencapai itu, mereka terkejut menemukan bahwa kapal adalah benar-benar sebuah kapal hampir berusia 100 tahun yang diidentifikasi sebagai Cotopaxi, nama yang terkenal terkait dengan legenda Segitiga Bermuda. Tidak ada di atas kapal dan kapal tampaknya telah ditinggalkan selama beberapa dekade, menyarankan bahwa ini benar-benar bisa menjadi gelandangan kapal barang yang hilang pada tahun 1925.
Pencarian yang lengkap kapal mengarah pada penemuan Kapten buku catatan. Ini benar-benar, terkait dengan navigasi perusahaan Clinchfield, pemilik SS Cotopaxi, tetapi tidak membawa petunjuk tentang apa yang terjadi pada kapal selama 90 tahun.
Ahli Kuba, Rodolfo Salvador Cruz, percaya bahwa buku catatan Kapten otentik. Dokumen ini penuh dengan informasi yang berharga mengenai kehidupan para kru sebelum hilangnya kapal, tetapi entri berhenti tiba-tiba pada tanggal 1 Desember 1925.
Pada 29 November 1925 SS Cotopaxi berangkat Charleston, South Carolina, dan menuju ke Havana, Kuba. Kapal telah kru dari 32 orang, di bawah komando Kapten W. J. Meyer, dan membawa kargo 2340 ton batubara. Ini dilaporkan hilang dua hari kemudian, dan tidak pernah terdengar selama hampir 90 tahun.
Wakil Presiden dari Dewan Menteri, General Abelardo Colom, mengumumkan bahwa pihak berwenang Kuba akan melakukan penyelidikan menyeluruh untuk menelaah misteri hilangnya kapal dan kemunculan.
"Itu sangat penting bagi kita untuk memahami apa yang terjadi" kata umum . "Insiden tersebut bisa menjadi benar-benar buruk bagi perekonomian kita, jadi ingin memastikan bahwa hilangnya semacam ini tidak terjadi lagi. Waktunya telah tiba untuk memecahkan misteri Segitiga Bermuda, sekali dan untuk semua."
Segitiga Bermuda adalah sebuah wilayah longgar didefinisikan yang meliputi daerah antara Miami, Puerto Riko dan Bermuda, mana lusinan kapal dan pesawat telah menghilang di bawah keadaan misterius.
Budaya populer telah disebabkan oleh banyak dari penghilangan fenomena paranormal dan supranatural, atau aktivitas dari makhluk luar bumi.
Satu penjelasan, bahkan pun menyalahkan sisa teknologi dari mitos benua hilang Atlantis.
Meskipun popularitas teori-teori aneh ini, kebanyakan ilmuwan tidak bahkan mengakui keberadaan Segitiga Bermuda, dan menyalahkan kesalahan manusia dan fenomena alam untuk penghilangan yang terjadi.
Kemunculan misterius SS Cotopaxi telah, bagaimanapun, sudah menghasilkan banyak minat dalam komunitas ilmiah dan bisa mendorong beberapa ahli untuk berubah pikiran pada subjek.
Sumber: consumehealthyfood.com
As with anything in life, when looking for legal assistance to claim compensation for asbestos injury you want to get the best legal advice available. This is particularly true with legal cases involving an injury such as mesothelioma, where millions of dollars in compensation could be at stake. Selecting the right mesothelioma lawyer could make a big difference to the success of your lawsuit, and also the amount of compensation you receive as settlement for your injury.
The first thing you need to look for in a mesothelioma lawyer is experience. The rise in mesothelioma cases coming to light has seen a boom in the number of specialist mesothelioma lawyers in operation, and these skilled professionals have built up established links to help with many aspects of your mesothelioma lawsuit. An experienced mesothelioma lawyer will have the necessary knowledge, experience, contacts and resources to put together a solid case and increase your chances of success.
Using an experienced mesothelioma lawyer will also enable you to check the law firms' track record when it comes to success rate with mesothelioma cases. Before you make any commitment to a lawyer or law firm, you should check how many mesothelioma cases the firm or lawyer has dealt with in the past, and how many of these have been successful. A good, experienced mesothelioma lawyer will be happy to answer these questions for you. Some lawyers will even be able to give you an idea for the figures involved with their successful cases, although they won't be able to divulge information about the plaintiff for confidentiality reasons.
When looking for the right mesothelioma lawyer, you should also look into the firm's fee structure. Many mesothelioma lawyers now operate on a contingency fee basis, which means that you will only pay a fee for legal assistance if and when you are awarded compensation. This payment structure offers peace of mind, enabling you to pursue legal action without the worry of ending up with huge legal bills even if you do not get compensation for your illness.
Make sure that you feel comfortable with the lawyer that you select, as you will need to be completely honest and frank with your mesothelioma lawyer in order to maximize the chances of a successful lawsuit. Even if you choose a law firm that states that they specialize in mesothelioma cases, make sure that you also check on the experience of the specific lawyer assigned to your case, as this will ensure that you get someone that has the skills and knowledge necessary to help you get compensation.
By taking the time to find the right mesothelioma lawyer to deal with your case, you can benefit from assistance from a specialist that has the connections and knowledge to maximize your chances of success. You can also benefit from a no-win no-fee payment structure, which means that you won't have to pay for the legal service if the mesothelioma lawyer is unsuccessful in securing you compensation. However, if you opt for a mesothelioma lawyer that has plenty of experience within this particular field, you can reduce the chances of your lawsuit failing and increase the chances of getting a substantial sum of compensation for your injury.
MesotheliomaFirms.com offers listings of experienced mesothelioma attorneys and asbestos law firms as well as mesothelioma information and articles. To find a mesothelioma attorney or law firm, visit [http://www.MesotheliomaFirms.com].
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Parks/13172
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/61686
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