Kisah Mantan Peternak Bebek yang Sekarang Jadi Salah Satu Orang Terkaya di Dunia

Nasib orang siapa yang tahu? Mungkin ini ungkapan yang pas bagi Zhou Qunfei. Wanita terkaya di dunia ini dulunya hanya seorang gadis desa yang tak punya apa-apa.
Tapi karena kegigihannya berusaha, perempuan 45 tahun itu kini jadi salah satu wanita terkaya dunia.
Zhou dibersarkan di sebuah desa di Provinsi Hunan, China. Dia beternak bebek dan babi untuk menyokong kebutuhan keluarga.
Di umur 5 tahun, ibunya meninggal dunia, sementara sang ayah kala itu, fungsi penglihatannya sudah memburuk karena kecelakaan kerja.
Singkat cerita, dia akhirnya pindah bersama keluarga pamannya ke China Selatan, Provinsi Guangdong.
Di sana dia mendapatkan pekerjaan di pabrik pembuat lensa. Merasa bosan dan gelisah, tiga bulan kemudian dia mengirim surat pengunduran diri.
Namun bosnya melihat Zhou punya kemampuan. Akhirnya dia ditawari naik gaji dan dipromosikan ke departemen yang baru. Di sana dia bekerja selama 3 tahun.
Di umur 22 tahun, Zhou punya tabungan US$ 3.000 yang ia gunakan untuk membuka toko kaca jam bersama saudara-saudaranya.
Zhou jadi ahli urusan kaca, lensa, layar, dan sebagainya.
“Di desa tempat saya tumbuh besar, banyak anak perempuan tak punya pilihan untuk melanjutkan sekolah. Mereka akan bertunangan atau langsung menikah dan menghabiskan sisa hidupnya di desa. Saya memilih untuk berbisnis dan saya tidak menyesal,” tutur Zhou dalam wawancara dengan New York Times seperti dilansir dalam Nextshark, Selasa (20/10/2015).
Pada 2003, bisnisnya kian maju, hingga produsen ponsel Motorola memintanya untuk mengembangkan layar untuk salah satu produknya Motorola Razr V3.
Saat itulah cikal bakal bisnisnya yang terus berkembang. Klinennya terus berdatangan seperti HTC, Nokia, hingga Samsung. Pada 2007, perusahaan Zhou bernama Lens menjadi pemasok layar sentuh Apple untuk produk Apple.
Ada yang menarik dari teknologi yang ia pakai dalam salah satu produk layar sentuh antigores di ponsel Apple. Dalam menciptakan produk tersebut, Zhou terinspirasi dari masa kecilnya.
Saat hujan, Zhou melihat rintik hujan jatuh ke daun lotus tapi tak meninggalkan jejak. Zhou akhirnya terinspirasi dalam membuat sebuah layar sentuh.
Zhou kini punya perusahaan yang mempekerjakan 75.000 pekerja, yang membukukan pendapatan hingga US$ 2,4 miliar tahun lalu.
Dia kini menjadi wanita terkaya di China dengan total kekayaan menurut Forbes hingga US$ 6,9 miliar atau setara Rp 93,9 miliar.

After an individual is diagnosed with mesothelioma, immediate and appropriate medical assistance is logically sought. However, these days, it is a common knowledge that there are aggrieving parties that should be held responsible for the medical condition. Mesothelioma lawsuits are filed because this form of cancer is not naturally occurring unless there is unnecessary and unlikely exposure to asbestos, an element used in the past to enhance insulation in buildings. Mesothelioma lawsuits could be filed with the assistance of experienced and competent lawyers who have already represented other plaintiffs in similar cases. Before filing any case, there should be an open consultation and gathering of information to make sure a lawsuit could be feasible. It is the right of the victim to know what to expect from any legal proceeding that may ensue. Mesothelioma lawsuits could vary depending on situations involved, but there are usual steps in the process that could be taken. First, there should be ample time for the preparation prior to mesothelioma lawsuits. This is the time the lawyer and the complainant should gather significant evidences to support any case to be filed. It is always best to prepare information prior to meeting with a mesothelioma lawyer. Before the case is properly filed, the complainant and the law firm would enter into an agreement to formalize the legal representation. Filing of a legal case is a necessary step for all mesothelioma lawsuits. The lawyer would present a legal document that would outline the complaint and appropriate legal intentions for filing, including any demand for monetary compensation. The defendant would be given due process and ample time to properly respond to the case through his/her own attorney. In this stage, the complainant could expect the defendant to either deny any responsibility or move to initiate dismissal of the complaint. Mesothelioma lawyers know how to handle any legal tactics that would spare the defendant from any possible lawsuit. The discovery stage in mesothelioma lawsuits is the period when both parties are given time to gather more detailed information, file necessary motions, and take depositions. The defendant and plaintiff could throw questions to each other and make responses. All the actions would be taken and received by lawyers of both parties. This step would determine whether the lawsuit would proceed or a settlement would be agreed upon to avoid the trial. Mesothelioma lawsuits, as mentioned could go on for the trial or be thwarted by out-of-court settlements. Many complainants prefer to settle the case before a trial provided that agreed-upon monetary compensation is provided and necessary actions are taken. For mesothelioma lawsuits with numerous defendants (as in class suits), some complainants may go for any settlement. But the case may be pursued by those who are left decided to seek trial. The last step before any legal victory is achieved is filing of possible appeals. This is to be expected in case the court rules in favor of the complainant. The defendant would find other ways to reverse the initial decision. If the defendant decides to accept the court ruling, any damage claim could be expected within just a few months. It is important for complainants to be properly and effectively be represented during mesothelioma lawsuits. The litigation process may be a long and exhilarating one, but it could be worth it especially if a complaint has the potential to win favor from the law. Seomul Evans is a senior copywriter for Mesothelioma [] daily writing about Asbestos Attorneys []. Article Source: Article Source:

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