Seorang pria di Texas, Amerika Serikat, hampir mati usai digigit ular derik yang kepalanya baru saja dia penggal. Dilansir dari ABC News, Rabu (6/6/2018), Jennifer Sutcliffe dan suaminya sedang berkebun di pekarangan rumahnya di Corpus Christi pada 27 Mei lalu. Kemudian, dia melihat ular derik sepanjang 1,2 meter bersembunyi. Suami Sutcliffe langsung mengambil sekop dan memenggal kepala ular.
Namun, ketika sang suami mengambil kepala ular itu untuk dibuang, dia malah digigit pada bagian tangannya.
Ular mengeluarkan semua racunnya ke dalam tubuh suami Sutcliffe sehingga menyebabkan pria tersebut mengalami kejang, kehilangan penglihatan, dan terjadi pendarahan internal.
Foto-foto menunjukkan tangannya membengkak dan memar berwarna ungu gelap.
Sutcliffe menyatakan, 24 jam pertama setelah digigit ular merupakan momen terburuk bagi suaminya. Awalnya, dokter mengatakan kepada Sutcliffe bahwa kemungkinan suaminya tidak akan selamat meski telah diberi obat anti- racun.
Orang yang digigit ular biasanya diberi obat penawar yang mahal sebesar dua hingga empat dosis. Namun, suami Sutcliffe harus diberi 26 dosis. Sekarang, suami Sutcliffe dalam kondisi stabil, tetapi masih mengalami fungsi ginjal yang lemah. Kepala ular masih memiliki kemampuan menggigit dan menyuntikkan racun karena beberapa gerakan refleks masih tetap ada kendati telah terpisah dari tubuhnya. "Ada sekitar 6.000 hingga 8.000 kasus digigit ular dalam setahun di AS, dan sekitar 10 hingga 12 orang tewas karenanya," kata ahli bedah di Corpus Christi, Michael Halpert.
Halpert memperingatkan kepada warga agar tidak mengisap racun ular. "Anda harus menjaga agar korban tetap tenang, jaga area yang digigit berada sedikit di atas posisi jantung. Bawa korban ke unit gawat darurat terdekat," ucapnya. Diwartakan BBC, Leslie Boyer, dokter anti-racun di Universitas Arizona, mengimbau agar masyarakat tidak membunuh ular dengan memotong atau memenggal. "Ini kekejaman terhadap hewan dan bisa menghadapkan Anda dengan sejumlah racun," ujarnya.
Sumber :
How to find a Mesothelioma Lawyer is not on everyone's mind, but for those diagnosed with Mesothelioma, a cancer caused by asbestos; a Mesothelioma Lawyer is a necessity. In order to properly handle a case that is so intricate and complex, a specialist is needed. A Mesothelioma lawyer will know exactly what you are going through, how to find the answers to where you came in contact with asbestos and exactly who it is that is responsible for your being afflicted with Mesothelioma. You can check with organizations that deal with the issues of Mesothelioma for referrals to lawyers who are specialists in this particular field of law.
Other Work Related Injuries
Other work related injuries cases are handled very differently than Mesothelioma. The lawyers who address this particular work hazard are specialists in a very unique arm of the law. A Mesothelioma Lawyer is experienced in this area and has access to the research and supportive evidence that will win your case against the employer who knowingly exposed you to asbestos without prior warning of the hazards of handling asbestos or what could occur with the contact with asbestos. In order to choose the right lawyer for your case you should choose a lawyer that will be in close proximity and has a reputation of dealing with a lawsuit concerning Mesothelioma. Your lawyer should also have a convenient meeting times and a comparable rate for compensation.
Be wary of any lawyer
Be wary of any lawyer that tells you ahead of time that your case can definitely be won. It is impossible to predict what the court will find and how it will rule. A competent and experienced Mesothelioma lawyer with practice experience is your best opportunity to receive the settlement you deserve.
Experience, Knowledge and Expertise
Experience, knowledge and expertise are what you will get when you hire a Mesothelioma Lawyer with a winning track record. There are many referral services that can help you find exactly the right lawyer. You can also check online at some of the websites that deal with the subject of Mesothelioma and find recommendations for law firms that specialize in Mesothelioma.
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