Perempuan di China Bersedia Dinikahi demi Donasi untuk Sang Adik

 Seorang perempuan muda di China rela dinikahi demi dapat mengumpulkan donasi untuk biaya pengobatan sang adik yang menderita leukimia. Cui Qiao (23) asal daerah Wuyi, tidak pernah menyangka gurauan yang diucapkannya untuk membantu penggalangan dana bagi sang adik menjadi kenyataan. Sang adik, Cui Xiao yang berusia 14 tahun, didiagnosis menderita leukimia dan membutuhkan operasi transplantasi sumsum tulang belakang agar dapat sembuh.

 Namun operasi tersebut membutuhkan dana hingga 500.000 yuan (sekitar Rp 1 miliar), sementara sang ayah yang bekerja sebagai petugas kebersihan hanya memperoleh penghasilan 1.000 yuan sebulan. 
Karena itu, dengan dibantu sekolah tempat Cui Xiao belajar mereka membuka penggalangan dana secara online. Sementara menunggu dana terkumpul Cui Xiao juga harus menjalani prosedur kemoterapi di sebuah rumah sakit di Zhengzhou. 
Akan tetapi, setelah menunggu hingga hampir batas waktu dana yang terkumpul belum juga mencukupi.
 Melihat kondisi itu, Cui Qiao ingin membantu dan spontan dia mengumumkan dalam akun penggalangan dana jika dirinya siap dinikahi apabila bisa mendapatkan donasi bagi sang adik. Cerita penggalangan dana yang dilakukan Cui Qiao demi sang adik itu pun menjadi viral. Pernyataan Cui Qiao itu berhasil mempromosikan laman penggalangan dana bagi sang adik hingga akhirnya dana yang terkumpul melebihi target. 

Diberitakan dan dilansir SCMP, dana yang terkumpul berkat pernyataan Cui Qiao mencapai 800.000 yuan (sekitar Rp 1,7 miliar). Saat ditanya sebuah media terkait pernyataannya yang bersedia dinikahi usai donasi terkumpul, Cui Qiao mengaku jika perkataannya sebelumnya hanya sebuah gurauan.  "Awalnya saya tidak ingin orang-orang tahu kondisi keluarga kami yang menyedihkan. Tapi kenyataan memaksa saya untuk melakukannya.

" "Demi adik saya, saya akan selalu siap melakukan yang terbaik yang saya bisa," kata Cui Qiao. Kini, setelah dana yang terkumpul cukup, sang adik, Cui Xiao hanya perlu menunggu donor yang cocok untuknya sebelum bisa dilakukan operasi transplantasi. Cui Qiao kembali mengatakan, seandainya dirinya memenuhi persyaratan untuk menjadi donor bagi sang adik, dia tidak akan ragu untuk mendonorkan sumsum tulang belakangnya.

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Finding a mesothelioma attorney through directories may be helpful for initial screening. As far as choosing one is concerned, it comes to make your decisions based on hard facts of life that if you or one of your family member is the victim of mesothelioma, the attorney must have a proven track record of bringing justice to your already sullen situation; after all, an attorney is an attorney. A mesothelioma attorney specializes in wrongful death and personal injury lawsuits connected to asbestos exposure. They do this by targeting the companies that can be held accountable for asbestos exposure, which almost certainly is the cause of mesothelioma. Choosing a Mesothelioma Attorney Choosing a mesothelioma attorney is not a small deal, especially looking at the number of failed lawsuits and the bombastic lawyers. To this end, consumer guides may help a lot. In addition to their reputations, you will need to figure out how to deal with intricate financial aspects of selecting a mesothelioma lawyer. Anyways, the crux of the matter is about choosing the most suitable mesothelioma attorney for you. Ask Mesothelioma Attorney a Few Questions Ask a few questions to the attorney so that you can evaluate him or her more, but take care not to intimidate her or him. Here are the questions. What is the attorney's personal experience with regard to standing for mesothelioma patients? Is he or she really intends to take up your case or is planning to transfer to another for a commission? How is the lawyer intending to involve you in the process of decision making A typical mesothelioma lawyer has more often than not succeeded in getting an award of $1 million, got 40% of this amount in fees. As if, that wasn't enough, many a lawyer advertises on the TV, however, be advised that let a TV commercial be not the reason to hire a mesothelioma lawyer. You must keep this one fact upper most in your mind before you finally engage a lawyer's service. So, now it is obvious why mesothelioma attorneys are very eager to take up mesothelioma cases. Attorney Reputable mesothelioma attorneys understand that each case is ridden with unique complexities and pay personalized attention to pursue with their huge experience and knowledge of mesothelioma related issues and asbestos industry. Attorney for mesothelioma, being an advocate of long standing reputation would have handled complex cases of torts involving MTBE and TCE water and radiation contamination, and many more, upon whose experience he can draw. Stay away from attorneys that transfer your case to another law firm and receive commission in exchange. Larger firms, by contrast, may assign a junior or a paralegal staff to handle your case. The truth beckons that you are entitled to and in need of a reputed and an experienced mesothelioma attorney having a proven track record in mesothelioma cases to represent you. In principle, a mesothelioma attorney should guarantee that there will not be any cost to you till the award of compensation and should ensure your family gets protection. Alevoor Rajagopal advises on issues that concern us all. He is an expert in matters of health care [] which he writes on. He raises his voice for fair practices in used car [] deals. Article Source: Article Source:

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