Usai lulus, di pikirannya terus berkecamuk bahwa yang menjadi hasrat hidupnya bukanlah bekerja di bidang IT murni, tetapi berbisnis.
"Kuliah itu bukan serta merta harus bekerja sesuai dengan apa yang kita pelajari. Kuliah itu untuk membangun karakter. Pembentukan pola kita berpikir, kita belajar untuk ambil keputusan, bagaimana riset, dan mengembangkan karakter diri."
Ditambah keinginannya untuk dekat dengan orang tua, Agung pun pulang ke Payakumbuh. Dia yakin, bisnis di daerah punya peluang lebih besar untuk berkembang.
"Karena di luar negeri sendiri kehidupan orang stagnan sebenarnya. Jadi, dengan penghasilan besar, biaya hidupnya juga besar.
"Lebih mungkin untuk kaya di daerah. Kalau di Jakarta terlalu banyak persaingan. Di daerah (Payakumbuh) potensinya besar, tetapi tidak dilirik banyak orang," tutur Agung.
Melihat banyak orang yang beternak ayam petelur di Payakumbuh. Agung pun mulai membuka bisnis penjualan obat untuk hewan.
Dua tahun menjalani bisnis ini membuatnya kerap bertemu peternak ayam. Pada 2007, Agung membeli sebuah peternakan ayam yang memiliki 60.000 ekor ayam petelur produktif.
"Kalau dagang biasa, kita hanya berhubungan dengan pelanggan. Kalau jadi peternak, kita juga berhubungan dengan makhluk hidup lain, yang kompleks pemeliharaannya, saya jadi tertarik, tertantang."
Titik balik bisnis ayam petelur ini terjadi pada tahun 2008, ketika dia ingin mencari cara bagaimana agar produktivitas telur melonjak.
Pekerja memasukkan pakan ayam ke mesin otomatis
Setelah riset panjang ditambah kunjungan ke Malaysia dan Thailand, Agung menyimpulkan dia harus mengubah peternakan tradisionalnya menjadi peternakan teknologi tinggi, dengan sistem serba otomatis.
Di sinilah pendidikan masa kuliahnya terpakai. Dia mengaku "tidak mengalami kesulitan" untuk menggunakan teknologi yang diimpornya dari Jerman.
"Di Sumatera Barat, kami yang pertama menggunakan sistem peternakan otomatis ini. Bahkan di seluruh Indonesia baru 3-5% yang menggunakan sistem otomatis."
Dengan sistem otomatis, suhu kandang ayam bisa diatur optimal untuk bertelur (18-20 derajat Celcius) dan pemberian pakan dilakukan oleh mesin "sehingga lebih sedikit pakan yang terbuang".
"Produktivitas meningkat drastis. Untuk ternak tradisional, di lahan dua hektar misalnya, hanya punya populasi 40.000 ekor ayam. Tapi kalau di sini (sistem otomatis), lahan dua hektar bisa menampung 350.000 ekor ayam."
Alhasil, Agung bercerita, setelah menggunakan teknologi otomatis profitnya meningkat sampai 100%.
Saat ini, sebagai salah satu peternak ayam petelur terbesar di Payakumbuh, Agung memiliki 500.000 ekor ayam di delapan peternakan, dengan produksi 400.000 butir telur per hari.
"Omzetnya sekitar Rp13 miliar rupiah sebulan."
Pasarnya pun tak tanggung-tanggung. Selain menyalurkan telur secara lokal, 60% telur yang diproduksi peternakan Agung, dikirim ke Jakarta.
Agung pun teringat masa-masa ketika dia masih dipandang sebelah mata.
"Bagi orang Minang, selorohnya itu, 'Kamu jauh-jauh sekolah, tapi ujung-ujungnya ternak ayam kayak yang lain'.
"Tapi satu hal yang membuat saya berbeda adalah, meski sama-sama ternak ayam, saya produksi dan jual dengan cara berbeda, berdasarkan pengalaman yang ditempa. Konsepnya berbeda. Dan sekarang terlihat, hasilnya juga berbeda, terbukti," tutup Agung.
Sumber :
Mesothelioma is a malignant form of cancer that has the ability to take your life away. Indeed, it is the effect of a toxic material called Asbestos that is, generally, present in the building material and various other products related to it. The company manufacturing the products that has the presence of this toxic material do not alarm the employees about its ill effects and this enables the sufferers to cal for Mesothelioma lawyer. He is the legal assistance, who tends to guide you about its bad effects, the strategies that can be adopted to safeguard your rights and the approach with which the remuneration can be claimed from the employers in lieu of their negligence. After all, you deserve a rightful compensation for the wrong done to your health.
A Mesothelioma lawyer is skilled in assisting patients to fight with this dodgy condition and get the compensation for excellent medical facilities. It has been methodically confirmed that the major cause of this type of cancer is revelation to asbestos. Data and medical observance suggest that workers using this perilous material in their work are most likely to come in contact with this type of cancer. Still, people are exposed to asbestos for different reasons, such as staying in a building wadded with this material, can also build up the situation, even though they are at lesser risk. After examining your case, the Mesothelioma lawyer will inform about whether you have legitimate legal reasons to get recompense. He should also be able to guide you about the ways to sue your employer, who is the manufacturer of asbestos or another party.
The Mesothelioma lawyer should also have knowledge on latest medical treatment options that include radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery, and most patients decide to experience a mixture of these procedures to amplify their life anticipation. But survivors of Mesothelioma have reflected that treatment extends beyond hospitals, and that diagnosis can be better for patients through healthy dieting, habitual exercise and a variety of substitute therapies. As well, new treatments are available to personage patients depending on their stage of succession. With the help of Mesothelioma lawyer, after diagnosis, medical bills can be irresistible and once diagnosis is achieved a patient has his family to consider as well. There are lawful options available for such neglected victims to help attain justified compensation.
If you are looking for Mesothelioma lawyer; then, web world is the best place to look out for it because there are numerous law firms and individual attorneys that have their websites. In these websites, the lawyers exhibit and talk about their work profile, specialized areas of case handling and fee structure. With the help of this detailed information, you will be able to make proper decision as to what kind of Mesothelioma lawyer is required for your case. After all, it is the matter of claiming from the employer for their negligence and a skilled lawyer can get the things done in an easy manner to enable the sufferer for better medical treatment.
A mesothelioma lawyer is the legal assistance that allows the victims to feel safe in terms of getting justified compensation.
Author Bio:
Dean McDurmont is a master of law, who has expertise in handling Mesothelioma and other medical malpractice lawyer New York cases. With more than 8 years of experience, he has been able to do justice to numerous victims. Read more: []
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