Wanita Takut Driver Taksi Bergerak Aneh & Berisik, Saat Baca Tulisan di Kursi, Baru Paham Alasannya

Perempuan ini bagikan pengalaman naik taksi, kisahnya jadi viral.

Keberadaan layanan transportasi online dianggap memberi banyak kemudahan bagi para penumpang.

Selain lebih efektif, moda transportasi ini juga dianggap lebih ekonomis.
Sebagai pengguna jasa, penumpang tentu mendapatkan pelayan yang memuaskan dari driver-nya.

Belakangan, seorang wanita bernama Mimi Velasquez membagikan kisahnya saat naik taksi online.

Pengalaman tersebut ia bagikan melalui Facebook pada Minggu (10/6/2018).
Mimi Velasquez (Facebook/Mimi Velasquez)

Kejadian ini berawal saat Mimi naik taksi online Grab.

Seorang pria bernama Marlon Lapina Fuentes adalah sopir taksi yang mengambil pesanannya.

Wanita asal Manila, Filipina, ini memilih duduk di kursi belakang.

Namun, di awal perjalanan, Mimi menyadari ada yang aneh dengan sang sopir.
Marlon Lapina Fuentes (Facebook/Mimi Velasquez)

Mimi melihat Marlon kerap melakukan gerakan tak biasa sambil mengemudi.

Melalui video yang diunggah, pria tersebut juga mengeluarkan suara aneh berulang kali.

Awalnya, Mimi mengira driver taksinya sedang kejang-kejang.

Mimi juga sempat mengira pria tersebut mengidap penyakit Parkinson.

Saat mereka berhenti di lampu merah, pria driver-nya tampak lelah.

"Aku bisa merasakan kelelahannya karena ia tak berhenti bergerak, kemudian menyetir lagi," jelasnya.

Driver taksi melakukan gerakan dan mengeluarkan suara aneh (Facebook/Mimi Velasquez)
Mimi mengaku sebenarnya ia merasa takut selama perjalanan.

Sebab, saat menyetir, Marlon sering bergerak seperti menggerakkan kaki, kepala dan meniup.

Mimi mengaku tak melihat identitas jelas pengemudi melalui aplikasi.

Namun, saat melihat tulisan yang ditempel di belakang kursi penumpang depan, ia baru tahu alasannya.

Ternyata, Marlon mengidap sindrom Tourette.

"Aku mengidap sindrom Tourette, semoga kamu memaklumi kondisiku. Terima kasih!"

Marlon mengidap sindrom Tourette (Facebook/Mimi Velasquez)
Kondisi ini adalah gangguan sistem saraf yang menyebabkan gerakan berulang atau suara yang tak diinginkan di luar kendali, melansir alodokter.

Meski takut, Mimi menilai Marlon sebagai sopir yang profesional.

Terlepas dari sindrom yang susah dikendalikan, Marlon menyetir taksinya dengan hati-hati.

Melalui unggahan tersebut, Mimi menyampaikan rasa salutnya pada Marlon.

Meski kondisinya tak sempurna, dia tetap berusaha untuk bekerja.

Mimi juga menyebut bahwa keluarga Marlon beruntung punya tulung punggung yang luar biasa.

Sepanjang perjalanan, Mimi sengaja tak mengajak bicara Marlon karena tahu pria tersebut ingin fokus mengemudi.

"Aku sangat terkesan padamu. Terima kasih dan hati-hati," tulis Mimi di akhir kisahnya.

Unggahan Mimi ini jadi viral hingga sudah dibagikan 12 ribu kali.

Sumber : tribunstyle.com

A good mesothelioma lawyer should have all the good qualities which include competence and knowledge. They should be able to give you a history of the disease as well as the strides that have been made in new cases that pertain to mesothelioma. Firstly, mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects the protective lining of the abdomen, lungs and heart and it is caused by a natural occurring mineral called asbestos. Asbestos has been called the miracle mineral because it is one of the few substances resistant to fire. Therefore asbestos is a carcinogen or a substance that can cause cancer. The disease can manifest itself 30 to 50 years after exposure. If you are a patient of mesothelioma, you can file a case against the company you were working for. This is usually because the company needs to warn its workers of possible danger and failure to do this usually costs them when they are sued. A good mesothelioma lawyer should have experience and should have won several cases. This is a case that will change your whole life, you therefore need to invest as much time as you can to make sure you have a good conclusion to the case. They should portray interest and dedication to the case and be ready to give it their best. Giving you brief history of what to expect goes a long way and, you will be more informed on the case from the beginning thanks to mesothelioma lawyer. Some middlemen have managed to disguise themselves as lawyers while all they want is a share of your reward when you win the case. Therefore, knowing the qualifications of a lawyer can only help you determine whether they are suitable for your case. On the internet, there are so many options of mesothelioma lawyers and many are seeking just to benefit. Your main concern is that you win the case in the most professional manner possible. There are people who engage in a debate of judging the opportunistic 'professionals' and this may not be helpful in any case. One of the best thing that can shed so much light to your case is the experiences of other patients and their attorneys. Make it a priority to have this information so that you can avoid many pitfalls that they may have gotten into. Choosing a good mesothelioma layer will take searching and dedication to seek the best. Find a layer from your locality to make the whole process convenient. Some lawyers on the internet advertise themselves purporting to be at a location they are not in. Make sure you see the lawyers office when you communicate with them. Know every aspect of the law beforehand in regard to mesothelioma. This will help save so much time and your lawyer can move forward and plan for the case. Finally, know how exactly you are going to settle the lawyers fee. Go for a contingency plan and this is where you pay them with you winnings in court. This is definitely convenient and many law firms have engaged in this and the major reason is to attract as many clients as possible. If you win the case, the lawyer gets a substantial amount of money. Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Mesothelioma Lung Cancer. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here MESOTHELIOMA LUNG CANCER If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates. Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Peter_Gitundu/183485 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1228745

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