10 Foto Bersejarah yang Pasti Belom Pernah Lo Lihat Sebelumnya

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Selain ingatan, foto adalah cara lain buat menyimpan kenangan. Lo pasti setuju banget sama kalimat itu. Yang nggak setuju, tolong hapus semua foto yang ada di HP lo dan setelah ini dilarang foto lagi. Pasti nggak ada yang mau kan? Ya iyalah karena hari gini semua momen harus diabadikan lewat foto. Nggak cuma buat dipamerin di media sosial melainkan juga buat disimpan, siapa tahu ntar kangen.
Ngobrolin soal foto dan kenangan, P! punya beberapa foto lama dan bersejarah nih. Foto-foto unik ini belom banyak diketahui orang dan masih cukup langka di dunia maya.
1. Ini adalah foto Hannah Stiley yang merupakan orang pertama yang difoto. Hmmm, dia lupa senyum nih keknya atau lagi sakit gigi?
2. Yang kedua ini merupakan foto kacamata yang sangat istimewa. Kenapa? Ini adalah kacamata John Lenon saat dia dibunuh pada 8 Desember 1980.
3. Beginilah suasana saat Coca Cola pertama kali diperkenalkan di Prancis pada tahun 1950. Wajahnya pada serius banget yak?

4. Di zaman dulu, catur nggak cuma kecil. Dulu ada catur yang pemainnya beneran manusia. Ini adalah salah satu potret saat orang main catur di St. Petersburg, Rusia, pada tahun 1924. Kudanya juga pakai kuda beneran loh.

5. Kebiasaan orang Jepang saat naik commuter dari dulu sampai sekarang nggak banyak berubah yah. Mereka suka banget tidur. Ini buktinya.

6. Kalo zaman sekarang ada perpustakaan keliling, di New York pada tahun 1960 ada yang namanya kolam renang keliling. Yoih, bentuknya kayak kontainer yang keliling dan diisi air terus dipakai renang. Antreannya sampai kek begini.

7. Cara yang sangat kreatif bin inovatif yang dipakai saat terjadi banjir di Paris tahun 1924. Biar nggak basah, ada kursi yang ditata dan dijadikan jembatan darurat. Brilian!

8. Truk ini mengangkut para pengungsi saat Gunung Pinatubo di Filipina erupsi pada 17 Juni 1990. Erupsi ini merupakan erupsi terbesar kedua sepanjang abad 20. Antara ngeri tapi artsy. Gimana yah?

9. Gini kondisi ruangan Albert Einstein di malam hari saat dia meninggal dunia.

10. Inilah Ratu Elizabeth dan Marilyn Monroe yang berjabat tangan saat acara premier sebuah film pada Oktober 1956.

Sumber : linetoday.com
What are mesothelioma lawsuits and how do they arise? Mesothelioma lawsuits are filed by the victims of mesothelioma to avail reparations for medical expenses, pain & suffering and loss of income associated with the growth of this disease. Mesothelioma is a kind of cancer, which is inflicted by exposure to asbestos most frequently used in industrial and residential places till the late seventies. The numbers of mesothelioma victims were on the rise as the employers continued using these hazardous materials despite knowing the harmful consequences of them. Thus the poor workers, who were ignorant of the potential health risks that they were about to confront, were the unfortunate victims. In case the victim dies there is a provision that one of the family members or the executor of his estate can file the lawsuit. On the other hand a family member who has contracted the disease from the victim of mesothelioma can also file a lawsuit. Thus, if an individual is victimized owing to the negligence of another person, he has absolute right to take legal actions in the court of law for compensation. An individual needs to first consult with an attorney who deals with asbestos litigation and on his discretion the victim can file the suit. How long does the process take and what are the end results? These lawsuits tend to be cumbersome and longwinded. It could also stretch to years even to reach any settlement. Again all lawsuits are not necessarily longwinded; some of them take lesser time. However, in some of the cases the victims receive negligible amount of money, most of which are used to meet the lawyer's and the court's expenses. Nevertheless victims of mesothelioma should exhibit their rights and fight for their compensation. Again, mesothelioma lawsuits are generally settled out of court before they are set for trail. This actually makes more sense because it curtails court expenses for both the parties. What can you do if you are uncertain about exposure to asbestos? If you don't know where and when you were exposed to asbestos, you should speak to your lawyer who will help you out. The lawyer may possibly hire a professional investigator who can make the necessary investigations so as to find out where the exposure had occurred and who are the ones that can be held responsible. How much do you have to pay? Factually, you need not pay unless and until you receive your compensation. It is only then that your lawyer shall take a percentage out of the compensation as his remuneration. How much can you expect as compensation? Well it depends on how creditable your case is. You will find that past settlements amounted to quite a ransom. But in the recent past with the subsequent increase in the number of mesothelioma lawsuits, there is a sleek chance to realize the entire amount. The history of mesothelioma lawsuits According to U.S mesothelioma history, the first ever mesothelioma lawsuit was filed in 1966 against the careless use of asbestos. But unfortunately the verdict went against the case. For the second time, another suit was put forward for a co-worker and this time the case was won. This gave impetus to all those helpless victims who craved for justice as innumerable mesothelioma lawsuits cropped up simultaneously. Mesothelioma lawsuits also tells us that how ignorant people were initially about the causes and the aftereffects of the deadly disease. But now with the intervention of the law firms the victims of mesothelioma are provided with all-round assistance as regards lawful solutions to their righteous problems. Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Fred_Lindel/40112 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/239500

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